Ono Airhia
Ono Airhia is an education aficionado. As a firm believer in the values, acquisition and dissemination of knowledge, Ono has devoted her time to education, both inside and outside the classroom. She has worked in a number of non-profit organizations whose objectives are elevating the lot of the educationally disadvantaged and marginalized in society.
As a demonstration of her undying interest in education, she taught English as a Second Language (ESL) for Schekinah Mentors International, a non-profit organization in Houston, Texas devoted to helping High School drop-outs in acquiring GED, as well as parolees without skills to acquire the knowledge, skills and aptitude necessary for assimilation into the society. As an intern with Asociacion Karibu in Madrid, Spain, during her Junior year in the University, she handled English Interpretation for the organization – which aided English integration for the participants. Currently, Airhia works as an English teacher in CRA Lozoya, a non-bilingual public school located in Madrid, Spain. Here, she assists both teachers and students of all levels with English language in subjects such as Mathematics, English, Physical Education, and Science. Her efforts have led to facilitating the language-learning process through the interplay of activity developments and strategic implementation of desired objectives.
Ms. Airhia has also had a stint in administrative management. She was an Acting Executive Director in the Administration office of Greenpath International Incorporated, a substance abuse and mental health rehabilitation company in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A between May 2019 and September 2019
Ono is interested in youth empowerment through the instrumentality of education in developing economies, especially in Africa (Nigeria to be specific). She also has a vision and an academic passion to establish a series of schools all over the world with the goal of molding culturally sensitive leaders of tomorrow. Through the formation of her schools, she hopes to dismantle purposeful cultural ignorance to afford individuals, specifically minorities, the necessary resources and platform to share their experiences and combat global issues.
Ms. Airhia lives in Houston and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in International Business from Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas.